*Peace in Consciousness

In the consciousness space, all people are connected – modern research proves it. A single peaceful thought can touch the human collective so deeply that its collective intelligence changes direction. I have a dream, Martin Luther KING repeated again and again in his speech at the March on Washington on August 28, 1963. Even if he himself paid a very high price for this sentence, his ideas anchored themselves in the human collective. Our world has changed – through the sustainably nurtured thoughts of an individual who touched the collective. We all have that chance. Let’s practice thoughts, feelings and deeds of peace. Our own condition rewards us immediately; the human collective absorbs our energy and responds with movements that fill our hearts.
Here are three more phrases to associate with your blessing:
I fill my NOW with the light that I AM!
I fill my past with the light that I AM!
I fill my future with the light that I AM!